Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ape can't trust man.

I took my name, and i changed it. I took myself away from outside influences, to please you. See what good it did me, really though, i have no beard. Your little experiment left my face cold, and what bothers me most is that you didn't care. I label those who oppose you as 'justified' or 'like-minded'. In truth, most hate who they are, whether they realize it or not, and, in turn, hate others similar to themselves. I stay up late, without reason, and sometimes the curtains get dirty. I hate to clean useless items. I hate to clean. Although, the bills were paid, i still feel like the water has been cut off, cant get enough of it. Wish my thirst for you didn't feel that way, wish i knew who you were, and your face is still in my thoughts. "sometimes its our mistakes, that make for great ideas" I think that we knew all along what we were doing. Saying it twice doesn't mean it is any less true. There is not enough time in one day, or in a year for that matter, for me to convey the regrets I wish I had. Make me breakfast, and you will be disappointed. I left the door unlocked so you don't have to know me that well, just come in, sit down, and we will talk. The wind has never smelled this sweet. It is like I am dreaming about being awake. I really would like to know why. I would really like to know you better. Just once, maybe things will turn out how we expect them to.

Let yourself go, to me, so we may play.